Základní škola Rokycany, ulice Míru 64,
příspěvková organizace
Ředitel školy: 371 722 490
E-mail: slegrova.ha@zsulmirurokycany.cz
The aim of the project is to allow our students to use English in context - description of free time activities and also allow them to learn about their pears' ways of spending free time.
The aim of the project is to allow our students to use English in context - description of free time activities and also allow them to learn about their pears' ways of spending free time. It should lead to better understanding and tolerance. Students task will be to take a few photographs about how they spend their free time and write a few words about that activities. The results will be presented on small posters - paper A4, scanned or photographed and downloaded in eTwinning space, to show to our partners and do some reading/speaking activities.
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