Základní škola Rokycany, ulice Míru 64,
příspěvková organizace
Ředitel školy: 371 722 490
E-mail: slegrova.ha@zsulmirurokycany.cz
Students know a different country, a different culture and make new friends. I'm looking for about 20 to 50 students. Age is 9-15 years.
Students know a different country, a different culture and make new friends. I'm looking for about 20 to 50 students. Age is 9-15 years.
The Story of My Name
What's in a name? Where does your name come from? Share the story of your Where the name comes from and what your name means. Everyone's name and has Surprisingly interesting origin.
The aim is to learn more about students in other countries. Maintain close ties between young Europeans through the comparison between them and their history, developing, in same time, English Language and Information Technologies as a common communication means. Opportunity to meet new friends, find out how to live elsewhere, what their hobbies, what their family, their country, their city, their country's history ...
What is the challenge:
1) Write the name on a large sheet of paper
2) For each letter you write something your party (where you were born, what are your hobbies, where you live, your pets, my city, my state ....)
3) Glue a photo of your family and a description of the person in the family
All images put into a large envelope to send your school. Your school will send us back your images (pictures of your students).
Students will appreciate the common interests of their culture by communicating in English. The students will learn more about European History and its protagonists.The students will see how it is possible to have permanent friendship with people in different countries and get fun with children in different cultures. The students will realize that there are children with the same age who use different languages in different cultures. Both of the school will experience the education system of each other.
Mgr. Sylva Zemánková
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